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Breastfeeding Weight Loss: Everything You Should Know About Weight Loss During Breastfeeding

After giving birth, all women tend to regain their pre-pregnancy weight and worry about how long it will take. Immediately after delivery, following the emptying of the contents of the uterus and normal bleeding, you lose about 5 to 6 kg of weight. During the first six weeks after delivery, mothers lost another 2 to 3 kg. Regular breastfeeding reduces weight by 2 to 4 kg per month. 
Most women return to pre-pregnancy weight within six months of giving birth.

Does Breastfeeding Cause Weight Loss?

Yes, this is possible, but weight loss during breastfeeding varies from person to person. It depends on calorie intake, activity level, the body's metabolism, etc. But the most critical factor in weight loss during breastfeeding is that the baby does breastfeed.

If you do not want to lose weight during breastfeeding, you should consume more calories than you burn.

Why Do Mothers Lose Weight While Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding mothers burn about 500 to 700 more calories per day. The higher amount and duration of breastfeeding have a greater effect on weight loss.
Breastfeeding mothers are more careful about the food they eat and their diet. A nursing mother may reduce their consumption of processed foods. Consuming more lean protein, high-fiber fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your diet plan can also help you lose weight.
Hormones released during breastfeeding cause the muscles of the uterus to contract and shrink. So every time you breastfeed your baby, your uterus gets smaller. About six weeks after delivery, your uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size.

The Amount of Weight Loss While You're Breastfeeding

Factors such as your pre-pregnancy weight, your lifestyle, your diet, your exercise, your metabolism, the amount of weight gain during pregnancy, and other personal health and genetic factors determine the rate of weight loss during breastfeeding. The duration and frequency of breastfeeding can affect how much you lose weight after giving birth. Losing weight can take six months to a year or more. If you want to lose weight and have a weight loss diet, follow the advice of your nutritionist. He/she will help you with the number of calories you need daily and the right food choices. Make sure you're consuming at least 1,800 calories per day while breastfeeding. You can usually lose one or two pounds a week, and this amount of weight loss does not affect the amount of milk you have.

Why You're Not Losing Weight While Breastfeeding?

There are different reasons. For example, breastfeeding increases hunger, and therefore mothers may eat more. Low physical activity can be another cause of not losing weight. New mothers also tend to have irregular and interrupted periods of sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the causes of increased hunger and may impair weight loss.

Excessive Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Postpartum weight loss is different between two or more people. Some mothers lose more weight than usual after giving birth. Rapid or excessive postpartum weight loss is often because of new parental pressures (such as being too tired to eat) and lifestyle. Other times there may be a health concern that needs treatment. For example, Postpartum thyroiditis (PPT) and Postpartum Depression. Postpartum thyroiditis or PPT is a disease in which the thyroid gland becomes inflamed. It can cause excessive weight loss, palpitations, shakiness, difficulty sleeping, restlessness, exhaustion, eye problems, and an overabundant breast milk supply.
People with postpartum depression may lose too much weight because their interest in eating or preparing food decreases. Also, fatigue and lack of interest in food can cause weight loss in these people.

Is Rapid Weight Loss Safe After Pregnancy?

The answer is NO. Rapid weight loss causes toxins to enter the breast milk. It can affect the brain and reduce the baby's memory and intelligence. Losing too much weight too fast is NOT OK for you and your baby. Excessive postpartum weight loss can cause you to feel exhausted and run down. It will reduce your breast milk supply and the number of nutrients in it. The body consumes about 500 more calories per day to produce breast milk. The fat you store and the foods you eat provide this amount of calories. So if you lose too much weight, you may not eat enough to meet the energy you need to produce milk.

10 Tips to Follow in Breastfeeding Diet

• Use dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, etc., in your breastfeeding diet.
• Eat enough fruits and vegetables during the day.
• In your breastfeeding weight loss diet, eat enough meat, including red meat, chicken, and fish. Eat fish in your diet at least twice a week.
• Drink enough fluids (about 8 to 12 glasses) per day.
• Choose olive oil or canola oil for cooking.
• Avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs while breastfeeding.
• Avoid excessive consumption of coffee and other caffeinated foods (such as chocolate, black drinks, and black tea).
• Avoid taking herbal medicines without a doctor's prescription.
• Avoid stress and anxiety during breastfeeding.
• If you feel that consuming some food upsets your infant, avoid eating that food for three days and try that food again after three days. If your baby again feels uncomfortable, eliminate that food from your breastfeeding diet.

If you are breastfeeding, here you can get your online diet plan.

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