Why should I choose the online diet services and not go to a nutrition specialists office?
The online process has started a new era worldwide. It supports clients – consumers on having access to previously impossible services due to time, distance, and sometimes cost.
Online platforms, particularly in the nutritional sector, help with access to low cost services instead of face to face consultations because it significantly decreases operating costs (time, expendables, transportation, etc.).
Why should I choose Oxfordiet to get the online diet?
Oxfordiet guarantees you that certified dietitians and nutritionists adjust all online diets based on the latest scientific findings. All online diets are modified according to your physical condition, and they are all personalized. We will give you several food menus for each meal, and you can choose one of them to eat in your online diet plan.
Is the online diet just as effective as a visit to a dietitian's office?
Absolutely. Oxfordiet's online diet consists of complete medical history, weight monitoring, psychological support for potential eating disorders, and full support during your online diet period by certified dietitians. It is in no way inferior to a session at a dietitian's office.
How long take to receive the online diet after submitting my information?
Since your online diet is adjusted by a dietician and is not set by software, it will take long approximately 24 to 72 hours after your information is submitted.
Do robots or humans answer my questions?
A registered dietitian and nutritionist creates your online diet plan and answers your questions.
Why do you charge for the diet plan?
We prepare personalized diet plans for our clients. The diet plans are created by the best nutritionists. Our diet plans are prepared by taking into consideration all the client's personal preferences and offers. It takes proficiency to create personalized diet plans in a prompt manner that guarantees substantial results.
Online diet is not suitable for whom?
Our online diets are suitable for everyone who is looking for a healthy lifestyle. We don't just prepare a weight loss or weight gain diet; we also provide a diet plan for any health conditions such as diabetes diet, kidney failure diet, pregnancy diet, breastfeeding diet, CVD diet, fatty liver diet, pancreatitis diet, celiac diets, etc.
Why do I have to register my information to receive the online diet plan?
Since each person's online diet plan is adjusted based on their physical parameters such as height, weight, diseases, level of physical activity, etc., by our dieticians, you need to send us your physical parameters to provide the best online diet plan for You.
How do I know which online diet is best for me?
You can text +16624412652 or send a message on WhatsApp and speak to our nutritionists to choose the best online diet according to your condition.
Can I get back the money deposited to buy the online diet plan?
As long as the online diet plan is not sent to you, you can request and get back your money by deducting the transfer fee.
What’s the best online diet to follow?
Actually, there is no definite answer to this question. All online diets have their pros and cons.
The truth is, the human body is amazingly adaptable to a vast array of online diets.
There are different online diets such as keto diet, paleo diet, vegetarian diet, etc., one of which is suitable for each person according to their condition. Of course, you should keep in mind that you should consult a nutritionist to manage the cons of various online diets.
We'll find the best online diet that works for you. And the best online diet is the one that both matches the client's unique physiology and is something they enjoy enough to follow consistently.
What's the best online diet plan to keep my heart healthy?
According to the studies, people who followed a Mediterranean diet had much healthier hearts than others and were less likely to increase CVD prevalence.
In addition, eating habits can affect aging, and the Mediterranean diet delays the aging process of body cells by helping to protect the DNA in cells from damage.
Which cooking oils are the healthiest to use in my online diet plan?
The best oil for cooking in your online diet is olive oil, but there are other choices for you; in addition to olive oil, you can use avocado, canola, corn, peanut, safflower, soybean, and sunflower.
It's better to limit saturated fat such as hydrogenated vegetable oil, butter, ghee, etc.
Is the online diet an effective way to lose weight and keep it off?
The online diet is an effective way to lose weight, but it’s not enough, and you should exercise to help maintain your body shape. Online diet and exercising work great when combined together.
Is online dieting healthy or unhealthy?
You should note that there are two kinds of online diet – the proper one and the crash diet. A proper online diet is considered healthy for your body. If we are going to talk about a crash diet, then the answer is simple: It's NOT healthy.
This is because crash diet places stress on your body and its effectiveness is only short-term. Many people resort to a crash diet, and while they lose a few pounds in a few days, but they find themselves gaining back the weight in just a short period.
What is a balanced online diet? and do you suggest that?
A balanced diet is a diet that helps in stabilizing the health of a person that include all type of foods. A balanced diet provides the right quantities of nutrients like calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, calcium, vitamins, and minerals that our body requires. A balanced diet must include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, nuts, beans, lean proteins. If a person is not consuming a balanced diet, he/she is more prone to diseases and infections. And YES, we recommend this online diet to all healthy people who do not have a particular disease.
I'm on an online diet to lose weight. Do I still need to exercise?
However, physical activity with online diet is not necessary, still, physical activity is a crucial component of helping you move toward a healthier weight, as it can help you achieve the appropriate calorie balance. People who exercise regularly may be more likely to keep the weight from coming back after losing weight.
I hate milk, can I take a calcium supplement instead in my online diet?
Taking calcium citrate or calcium carbonate supplement is okay. Still, if you don’t like milk, you can try other sources of calcium such as yogurt, frozen yogurt, kefir, dough, broccoli, spinach, sardines, and fortified soy milk in your online diet plan.
Do you prepare food plans for hardcore backcountry trips?
Yes, we have a special online diet plan for you, and you can go on a trip without worrying about food and diet.
How long does it take to lose 10 lbs if I go with Keto diet?
It depends on your age, weight, history of dieting, etc., but generally, you can lose 10 lbs in 1 month with an online keto diet.
Can sugar be part of a healthy online diet and weight loss program?
Yes, sugar in moderation can be part of a healthy online diet and weight loss program. About 5% of your calorie intake can be from simple carbs like sugar.
Does the online diet have a gluten-free plan for celiac disease?
Yes, In the online diets that we adjust, we consider all your diseases, and if you have celiac, we send you a gluten-free online diet.
I am a shift worker, will I be able to follow the online diet plan?
We have many shift workers on the online diet plan. Our dieticians can provide advice on how to make the online diet plan work for early, late and night shift scenarios.
Can I drink zero calorie diet sodas on the weight loss online diet plan?
We suggest that it is best not to consume drinks or foods containing artificial sweeteners, as our online diet plans recommends using whole foods and not using foods that are processed or have chemicals.
Will I get enough vitamins and minerals following Oxfordiet online diet plan?
Most healthy people can meet their nutritional needs through eating a varied, balanced diet. Your diet should include foods from all major food groups as different foods provide different nutrients. Our nutritionists adjust your online diet to meet all your body needs. Besides, we will prescribe the appropriate supplement for you in some special diets, such as the ketogenic diet, vegan diet, or some diseases like anemia, which increase the body's need for vitamins and minerals.
Do I need to drink eight glasses of water daily in my online diet?
Drinking water is critical because we lose fluid every day through sweating, urinating, and breathing.
Your body needs water depending on various factors such as age, size, activity level, diet, etc. In addition, your body needs more water in the warm seasons than in the cold seasons.
It noted that fluid could come from other food or beverage, too. So, there’s no scientific evidence for the drinking 8 glasses of water i your diet during a day. In most cases, thirst is the best indicator that you need a drink. Exactly how much to drink is not a static number for everyone.
Is it necessary to drink 3 glasses of milk in my online diet to get enough calcium?
Although milk is one of the best calcium sources, you do not have to drink 3 glasses of milk a day in your online diet.
You can get the calcium you need from other food sources than milk, such as cheese, yogurt, curd, almonds, tofu, broccoli, etc.
With a good online diet plan, you can get enough calcium, whether your diet includes dairy or not.
How often will my online diet plan change?
The online diet plan is updated every 2 or 3 weeks based on your satisfaction level and the goals we set together.
Who should avoid a low calorie or online weight loss diet?
• Who is underweight or has eating disorders
• Under 18 years of age (in most cases)
• Pregnant or breastfeeding women (in the first six months of breastfeeding)
• Frail or recovering from surgery
• On certain medications
• Unwell or have a fever
What will happen if I lose weight very fast?
Some risks can occur to you in a fast weight loss diet, include:
• Fatty liver: cause a massive amount of fat released from fat stores to the blood, and they will circulate into the liver.
• Gallstone: excess fat accumulates in the gallbladder and turns to stone during the time.
• Losing muscle instead of fat: fat cells are inactive tissues and take time to burn, but if you put force on your body to lose weight in a short time and restrict your calorie intake severely, your body because of protecting you against lack of energy, burn muscle to produce glucose. So, the fat stores were saved, and the muscle burnt. Now, what will happen? The metabolism decreases again, and you gain weight easier this time.
• Return to the original weight in a short time
• Decreasing metabolism
I am a fat teen; how can I lose weight safely?
Teens should be cautious about their diet. Severe dieting can cause problems in physical and mental growth if you don't get enough nutrients. Eating healthy meals and snacks and doing exercise can help you lose weight and maintain normal growth. Don't forget enough sleep.
What is the best diet for me?
There’s no one best diet or way to eat. We are all different, and it would be impossible to choose one diet plan that would be right for everyone. The best online diet for you is the one that meets your medical and nutritional needs while also being affordable, accessible, enjoyable, and something you can stick with for the long term.