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Online Weight Gain Diet Plan: Sample 123

A weight gain diet plan for a 16 years athlete girl, a height of 5'7" cm and a weight of 39 kg, was created by our dietician. She is British and wants traditional British foods in her online weight gain diet. Also, she doesn't like Shellfish, and we eliminate that from her diet.

Personal Information for Online Diet Adjustment

Gender: Female
: 16 years old
: 39 kg
: 5'7"

Diet type: Anything
Primary goal
: Gain weight
Food allergies: Shellfish
Activity level: Very active

Caution: This diet is adjusted based on this patient's particular conditions and should not be used in similar cases.

Diet Plan Menu

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

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♦ Do not drink water for half an hour before a meal in the weight gain diet plan;
♦ When you are thirsty, drink milk instead of water;
♦ Use a larger plate to eat. Using a larger plate inadvertently causes you to consume more food and ultimately causes you to gain weight;
♦ To gain weight, add cream to your coffee;
♦ Eat salads and vegetables at the end of your meal;
♦ Get enough sleep;
♦ It's important to eat meals and snacks, especially after a workout snack.

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How to Gain Weight With Diet

To gain weight, you must first determine the cause of being underweight and eliminate the leading causes. After solving the main cause of being underweight, the most important thing to gaining weight is getting more calories.
This increase in calorie eating should be provided by various food groups such as cereals, dairy, protein, fruit, and healthy fats. Eating dried fruits, nuts and seeds, and calorie-dense foods is an excellent choice to increase the weight gain diet's energy. Using 100% juices and Greek yogurt are also good options to increase your calorie intake.
Healthy fats that you can use in your weight gain diet plan include olives, avocados, coconut, olive oil, and avocado oil. You can add these high-calorie items to your salads or various foods and enjoy eating them. Increasing the number of meals in the weight gain diet to 6 or more meals will result in a balanced caloric intake throughout the day. The amount of protein in the gain-weight diet should be about 15 to 20% of the total calories received during the day. Dietary diversity increases the tendency to consume food. For example, when you eat your favorite food for several days in a row, you will eventually hate it, so diversify your gain-weight diet.
Also, weight gain supplements have an important role in gaining weight by adding lean mass to your body. However, using food supplements alone cannot cause weight gain. To get maximum results, you should use gain weight supplements with a proper weight gain diet that leads to weight gain.

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