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Increase Height: The Best Diet for Increasing Height

Your genetic makeup is the main factor influencing your height, but your genes are not the only determinant factor for increasing height. In many cases, short parents still have babies whose birth weights are 2,800 grams to 3,500 grams, a perfect weight for newborn babies. Babies with such birth weights will have a standard average height in adulthood.
Most people grow at a rate of about 5 cm each year between birth to puberty. During puberty, you may gain 10 cm in height each year. However, everyone does not grow at the same pace.
In toddlers, growth failure is often due to calorie deficit, but it may also be a sign of disease. Factors like diet also significantly influence your height increase.
Lifestyle, diet, and genes are the three defining elements for increasing height. In the case of children and teenagers, nutrition is the most significant factor helping healthy growth and increasing height. Exercise and getting enough sleep also play important roles. Standing straight helps increase height because that posture makes room for proper bone growth. After a certain age -about 16 in girls and 18 in boys- height growth stops, and that's why most parents are concerned about their child's height right from their early days and are looking for ways to increase height in children.
If you are an adult, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly to keep your bones healthy. Having good posture is also important because poor posture may make you look shorter than you are. Here you can read more about the most helpful foods to put in your diet to increase height.

Essential Nutrients for Height Growth

We need protein, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and phosphorus for bone health and height growth. Furthermore, some research shows that probiotics, a type of beneficial bacteria, could also increase height and growth in children. We can often find them in fermented foods. Below are some necessary nutrients for height increase.

1. Protein

Protein is the most needed nutrient to grow taller because it helps the body to build various tissues. Also, It helps bones, muscles, organs, skin, teeth, etc., and is beneficial for maintaining health. In order to increase growth hormone for height, certain amino acids are needed, which are derived from proteins. So it's essential to eat enough protein in a diet to increase height.
Note that we don't mean your teen has to overeat protein. Most teens need at least 0.5 grams of protein per pound (1.1 per kg) of body weight in their growth spurt. More than 1 gram per pound of bodyweight (2.2 per kg) does not seem to make a difference in growth and may be associated with dehydration. You'd better get protein from natural sources (not fake supplements). The best natural protein sources you can expect when you have a diet for increasing height are eggs, meat, fish, poultry, nuts, nut butter, seeds, dairy, legumes, and soybean.
If you are a vegetarian and don't like to eat animal-based proteins, you can eat plant-based protein in your height growth diet. Beans, nut butter, nuts, and lentils are all great sources of protein. Fill a stalk of celery with healthy almond butter or peanut butter that will help you increase your height. Quinoa is a whole plant protein that tastes good, and you can add it to many meals. Also, add chickpeas, hemp seeds, and flax seeds to dishes to give your height growth diet a makeover while increasing protein. Some almonds or walnut will work perfectly for yogurt. As you see, it's simple to add protein to your diet for height growth.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps your body absorb phosphorus and calcium. It also makes your bones straight and longer. So vitamin D allows you to achieve the optimum height you can genetically have and makes you taller.
It has a significant role in controlling cell lifespan, supporting overall growth, minimizing tiredness, and building strong muscles. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with fatigue in children and prevents them from doing physical activity. In this way, Vitamin D deficiency limits their optimal height growth. A study observed that giving a vitamin D supplement to children with low vitamin D levels increases their height over six months.
Vitamin D is present in some foods, synthesized when your skin is exposed to sunlight, added to fortified foods, and available as dietary supplements. The sun is the best source of vitamin D. Spend only a short time exposed to the sun -about 15-20 minutes per day- and get all of the vitamin D you need for the day. People who have darker skin tones produce less vitamin D from sunlight than those with lighter skin. Note that too much sun exposure is harmful to your health. It can burn the skin and probably result in skin cancer.
Vitamin D deficiency is common among youngsters, children, and teenagers in many countries. If you want to increase your height and avoid stunted growth, use vitamin D-rich foods together with vitamin D supplements.
The flesh of fatty fish (such as salmon, trout, mackerel, and tuna), fish liver oils, dairy products, beef liver, egg yolks, and mushrooms are some of the best vitamin D food sources. But unlike other vitamins, the food sources of vitamin D are not enough. So, many people should use vitamin D supplements. Children and teenagers need adequate vitamin D levels to reach their potential height and increase height because it maximizes calcium absorption and bone mineralization.

3. Vitamin A

Vitamin A saves calcium in your bones and promotes height growth. Some rich sources of vitamin A include carrot, papaya, cantaloupe, spinach, tomatoes, beetroot, apricots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, melon, mango, and red peppers. You can eat plenty of them to gain height.

4. Calcium

Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in our body, which accelerates the growth of bones. A combination of calcium and phosphorus is necessary for bone growth and increasing height.
Here are the recommended daily intakes of calcium for children and teenagers:
• 0-6 months: 200 mg
• 7-12 months: 260 mg
• 1-3 years: 700 mg
• 4-8 years: 1,000 mg
• 9-18 years: 1,300 mg

Dairy products and milk are not the only sources of calcium. You can get an abundant amount of calcium from plant-based ones. Here are some of the best foods with calcium. They help you grow taller and improve overall health.
• Yogurt
• Cheese *
• Kefir
• Soybeans and tofu
• Seeds: sesame seeds, celery seeds, poppy seeds, chia seeds
• Beans and lentils
• Leafy greens
• Almonds
• Canned salmon and sardines
• Fortified foods **
Cheese is excellent calcium-rich food. Among all types of cheeses, parmesan cheese has the highest calcium content. Hard and aged cheeses are naturally low in lactose, so people with lactose intolerance can choose them. Cottage cheese and many other types of cheeses are also rich in protein.
** There are a variety of calcium-fortified foods that meet your needs. Some cereals provide up to 1,000 mg of calcium even before adding milk. Nevertheless, it's better to spread your calcium intake during the day because your body cannot absorb too much calcium at once.

5. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are essential for kids since they provide energy to increase height. Put healthy carbohydrates such as whole-grain foods in your increase-height diet, and avoid foods with refined flour or carbs like candy, sweets, etc.

Foods That Increase Your Height

Some foods help you to increase height, so eat plenty of them in your height growth diet:

1. Beans

Beans are amazingly nutritious and one of the best foods for increasing height. They are a rich source of protein. Protein increases levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1); it is an important hormone that controls growth in children.
Beans also have a high amount of iron and B vitamins, which can prevent anemia. Iron deficiency anemia may cause growth retardation in children as we require iron for tissue growth.
Moreover, beans have several other nutrients, like magnesium, fiber, copper, zinc, and manganese.
Some kinds of beans and lentils contain adequate calcium content, such as winged beans. So if you are interested in increasing height, put beans in your diet plan.

2. Chicken

Chicken is full of protein and vitamin B12. It's also high in taurine. Taurine is an amino acid that regulates bone growth and formation. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for height increase and maintaining your height.

3. Almonds

Almonds have a supportive role in the strength and health of bones, so they prevent the formation of osteoclasts and help to increase height. Osteoclasts are a type of cell that breaks down bone tissue. You can consume almonds roasted, raw, or almond butter.

4. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens have a high amount of vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Leafy vegetables balance bone resorption and deposition. Vitamin K enhances bone density, improves height growth, increases height, and helps maintain your height. Calcium promotes bone growth. Dark leafy greens such as broccoli, bok choy, and kale have sufficient amounts of calcium. Yet, some leafy greens such as spinach, chard, and beet greens are high in oxalic acid and can inhibit calcium absorption. One study showed that regular consumption of greens prevents the reduction of bone mass.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt is a good source of protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorous, which are necessary for growth and involved in bone metabolism and height. Probiotics help improve growth. Some types of yogurt also have probiotics, and it's better to use probiotic yogurt to increase height. Regular yogurt has more calcium than Greek yogurt. Use regular yogurt instead of flavored and sweetened ones. since they keep you full longer and have less sugar.

6. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a rich source of vitamin A and have both insoluble and soluble fiber. Vitamin A enhances bone health and helps you increase height. Soluble and insoluble fiber can support digestive health and encourage the growth of healthy gut bacteria. A healthy gut microbiome can also increase nutrient absorption, so you can get the vitamins and minerals you need to grow taller.

7. Quinoa

Quinoa is a plant-based food with all nine essential amino acids that your body needs. It also is high in magnesium. Magnesium is a necessary component of bone tissue that can boost bone mineral density and help increase height. Moreover, quinoa contains phosphorus, folate, and manganese that help bone maintain strength.

8. Eggs

Eggs are a rich source of protein, vitamin D, calcium, folate, and vitamin B12. Vitamin D can help maintain skeletal health by increasing calcium absorption.
Vitamin B12 and folate help children grow better. According to one study, daily consumption of one egg for six months by children aged 6 to 9 months caused a significant increase in height.
Give your kids a healthy dose of proteins, calcium, and complex carbs to increase height by making a healthy omelet with a multigrain toast and a glass of milk instead of just milk and cereal or jam for breakfast.

9. Berries

Berries are high in vitamin C and have different vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, manganese, and fiber. Vitamin C helps tissue repair and cell growth. It also increases the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body that increases bone density and improves bone health.
So, eating berries in your diet is beneficial for increasing height, growing taller, or maintaining height.

10. Fish

Fishes, such as tuna, mackerel, salmon, and sardines, are high in vitamin D and calcium. One of the best fish to increase height is salmon. Salmon is a fatty fish full of omega3, vitamin D, and calcium. Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for bone health and help bone turnover. Moreover, low levels of omega-3 fatty acids raise the risk of sleep problems in kids. Sleep disorders can interfere with growth.
Vitamin D supports calcium absorption. So both vitamin D and omega 3 in salmon can help you increase your height.

11. Milk

Milk contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, necessary for bone health. Also, cow milk supports weight gain and muscle building. It stimulates height growth in kids. If you have lactose intolerance, use lactose-free milk instead of regular milk.
Use only organic milk because it doesn't have antibiotics, rBGH, and rBST. rBGH and rBST are two growth hormones that can hinder children's growth.

12. Fruits

Fruits have all the vitamins, minerals, and fiber essential for every child's growth. Many fruits are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps strengthen bones by making collagen. Fruits that help increase height are kiwi, grapefruit, orange, cantaloupe, melon, and strawberry. They are high in vitamin C. Fruits like orange, papaya, watermelon, apples, apricots, and mangoes are rich in vitamin A and C.
Among the fruits, bananas contain manganese, potassium, and calcium. Potassium helps the body absorb calcium better and make bone strength, and calcium is necessary for increasing height.

13. Seeds

Seeds are very nutritious. They contain calcium, healthy fats, and protein. Asaliya seeds (Lepidium Sativum) promote growth hormone production and can facilitate bone and muscle growth. So it is one of the best food that can help you grow taller. It is beneficial for teenagers and children to consume one spoonful of Asaliya seeds twice a day with a warm glass of milk in their diet to increase height. Sports such as swimming, cycling, running, or stretching workouts increase its effect and help increase height more.

14. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is high in protein and magnesium. Protein is necessary for tissue and bones repair. Magnesium helps the body to absorb calcium so much better. If you want to increase your height, eat at least 50 grams of oatmeal for breakfast every day.

15. Whole Grains

Whole grains, pulses, and dals are high in protein, vitamin B, and iron. They are essential for growth and healthy metabolism. Increase your height by putting whole-wheat bread, pulses, and dals in your daily diet.

16. Tofu

One of the best foods that help increase height is tofu. Tofu is prepared from soya milk and is rich in protein, calcium, and iron. It is a healthy source of protein suitable for everyone and people who are lactose intolerant or vegans.
Also, tofu is low in calories. However, do not overeat because it contains phytic acid, which reduces calcium absorption.

17. Vegetables

Vegetables contain magnesium, iron, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin B, and other minerals necessary for height growth. Use vegetables like spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, kale, beetroots, carrots, and other vegetables in your kid's diet. Also, try to use vegetables with different colors. In this way, your kid receives a variety of nutrients necessary for increasing height. Vitamin A participates in protein synthesis, whereas vitamin K increases bone density.

Top 8 Healthy Drinks That Increase Height

1. Water:
Water is one of the most plentiful and essential compounds in the body and is critical to health and development. The daily amount of water you need depends on age, sex, and weight. Generally drink about 2 liters of water per day.
3. Banana shake
Orange/Citrus Juice:
Orange and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. Moreover, orange is high in calcium. Vitamin C is a necessary vitamin to grow taller. It improves blood circulation, increases bone strength, and improves body growth.
Guava Juice:
Guava is high in vitamin C and vitamin D and boosts height growth and body development. Pure guava juice has a delightful taste.
Coconut Water:
Plain coconut water is beneficial for height growth because it contains many nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C, and potassium, which help you grow taller. Although it includes sugar and calories, it is still a healthier beverage than soda or sugary sports drinks. Plain coconut water is an excellent drink for physically active kids.
7. Greens/Spinach Smoothies
Smoothies are pleasant beverages you can make using different fruits and vegetables for your children. Spinach, kale, cauliflower, and beets are good choices for your kid. Make a healthy, nutritious smoothie by blending unsweetened milk with healthful add-ins such as cocoa powder, seeds, and so on. For example, spinach is high in many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, fiber, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc. They are all effective in bone growth.
8. Herbal Teas:
Herbal teas can be great alternatives to sugary or sweetened beverages because they have multiple nutritional advantages. Certain herbal teas such as mint, lemongrass, and chamomile are healthy and safe for children. They are also a good relief for kids who are worried or sick. It is helpful for mental health and supports better sleep.

Foods That Stunt Growth

While some foods promote height growth, some food can stunt growth, so we should avoid them. Here is the list of foods you need to prevent for efficient height growth:

1. Excess Carbohydrates

High processed carbohydrates like rice, cereals, pasta, and bread can negatively affect the body's human growth hormones. Instead of processed food, use whole grains and natural ones. A diet low in protein and high in carbohydrates can interfere with height growth. However, a diet rich in both carbohydrates and protein will help you reach your maximum height.

2. Fast Food or Processed Food

As you know, processed foods or fast foods just taste good and have very few valuable nutrients. Also, they are rich in trans fatty acids and impact your height growth, so you should avoid them in your diet plan if you are looking for a height increase.

3. Sugar

Sugar is another compound added to foods for flavor but has no nutritional value.
Avoid foods high in sugar but low in nutrition, such as cookies and chocolates. They satiate you and prevent you from eating nutritious food. Some studies show that children who consume more sugar in their diet are generally shorter than children who consume less sugar.

4. Sodas

All aerated drinks like sodas are high in sugar. They also inhibit calcium absorption. Some research shows that children who drink more sodas have lower bone mass. Since sodas are full of sugar, they don't leave room to consume the nutrients.

5. Aflatoxins

When some foods like corn, peanut, wheat, chiles, etc., are stored inappropriately in humid and warm places, it can produce molds called aflatoxins that seem to inhibit growth in very young kids. Make sure to deposit your food correctly to prevent them from producing aflatoxins. Aflatoxin is not reduced by washing or heat.

6. Unfermented Soy

Unfermented soy, such as tofu, soy milk, and soy yogurt, has phytic acid. Phytic acid reduces calcium absorption. So excessive consumption of unfermented soy could harm height growth.

7. Alcohol

Unfortunately, many children drink alcohol. Based on some research, alcohol consumption can prevent height growth. So we have to be careful to avert alcohol consumption in growing children.

Do you want to be taller? Try our online diet to increase height.

FAQ About Increasing Height

The growth spurt for girls begins through puberty, about age 10, and the start of menses happens around age 12 to 13. Boys start puberty near the age of 12 to 13. The growth spurt for boys happens around 14 and 16.
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